省份: 广西壮族自治区
城市: 北海市
景区级别: AAAA
点击地图区域不放拖动可移动地图, 使用左上角控制器可缩放地图.(地图位置标点偶有误差,仅供参考)
景点类型: 博物馆*,AAAA*
出行方式: 参团*,自助*,自驾*
适合人群: 家庭*,情侣*,朋友*,小孩*,老人*
游玩项目: 摄影*,文化游*,观赏*
4D动感影院是“海洋之窗”重金打造的高科技动感影院。代表着目前国际上特种电影的最高标准,集多项高新专利技术于一体, 通过立体放映系统、震动座椅与特殊效果设备、计算机控制系统制造视觉、听觉、平衡感和触觉的全方位同步逼真刺激。
A pace setter of the highest standard for the world’ special films, the 4D Live Theater is a hi-tech kinetic simulator forged with vast sum of funds by the Window of the Sea Ltd. Multiple hi-tech patents and technologies are used in the system, which consists of a stereo projection system, shaking seats and special effect equipment and a CCS. By stimulating the audience’s vision, hearing, sense, etc, these 3 parts interact and create each detail of the environment, making you seem on the scene.
Tourists will be immersed fully in South Zhujiang culture of the North Sea city. They will learn the specialty of the North Sea and its native culture, while they learn sea culture of China.
In the seashell culture exhibition zone, all items on display come from “the exhibition hall of world’s seashells and corals”, the old name for the “Window onto the Sea”. It is a must place for people to tour, because the exhibits are among the country’s most valuable seashells and corals, both in variety and rarity.
This is an island with Hawaii flavor: bright sunlight, gentle sea breeze, tall and straight palm trees, native and authentic seashore delicious food and various sea gifts. Visitors relax themselves to the top of their bent in the scene for the new journey.
This is an island with Hawaii flavor: bright sunlight, gentle sea breeze, tall and straight palm trees, native and authentic seashore delicious food and various sea gifts. Visitors relax themselves to the top of their bent in the scene for the new journey.
这是目前国内最具震撼力的海洋森林。全部用亚克力玻璃筑成的大圆缸,直径有11米,水深13米,高达三层楼体,水体达1000吨。在里面有各种各样性情温顺而又奇妙的天外来客,同时还有传统表演项目―― “鲨口取珠”。
This is the oceanic forest with the most powerful heart-quake force in China. The huge round urn of all Acrylic glass is 11 meters in diameter and 13 meters in depth, with water body totaled 1000 metric tons. There are various kinds of softhearted and wonderful heaven visitors in it and. a traditional show ?C “Take the pearl from the mouth of a shark”.
The history of China’s seafaring exploration came to an end when the Ming Dynasty carried out the policy of “maritime embargo”. At the same time, a great nautical era had begun in Europe, i.e. the Great Geographical Discoveries in the history. In this hall, visitors will be presented further with facts and figures about European navigators conquered the oceans in this great historical period, through texts, pictures and some huge statues.
Zheng He’s voyages demonstrated that China had the leading seafaring and ship building technologies in the world in the 15th century, a century earlier than the Europeans. That is, the voyage was roughly within the same historical period when the world began to open new marine routes. The treasure ship was re-fabricated at a ration of 1 to 15, according to historical books. The fabricated “Treasure Vessel” model, made of foundry cast copper, is a reproduction of Zheng He’s heroic deeds on the sea.
The “Silk Road on the Sea” is the first seafaring route in China’s history. It marked the beginning of the history of the navigation of China, as well as the earliest overseas trade in the world. The grand occasions in this period and remarkable achievements of China’s ancient seafaring technology are exhibited fully and authentically by means of texts, figures and models.
传真: 0779-3206126
电话: 0779-3202238
地址: 北海市四川南路中段
网址: http://www.oceanorama.com/