省份: 黑龙江省
城市: 哈尔滨市
县区: 香坊区
点击地图区域不放拖动可移动地图, 使用左上角控制器可缩放地图.(地图位置标点偶有误差,仅供参考)
景点类型: 博物馆*
出行方式: 自助*,自驾*,市内*
适合人群: 家庭*,情侣*,朋友*,小孩*
游玩项目: 摄影*,文化游*,观赏*
世界上有三块黑土地,一块在美洲—密西西比河流域;一块在欧洲—第聂伯河畔的乌克兰;一块在亚洲——这就是位于中国东北角的北大荒。北大荒以美丽神奇、荒蛮富饶而闻名于世。它的可考历史上溯到汉魏时期。 | ||||||||||||
● In the world, there are three pieces of black soil land: one in America, the Mississippi River Valley of the USA; the second is in Europe, along the Tineerbo River Banks in Ukraine; and the third is in Asia, that is BeiDaHuang located in Northeast corner of China. BeiDaHuang is famous for its beauty, miracle, wilderness and roughness, and for its rich resources The textually researchable history is traced back to the Han-Wei Dynasty.
北大荒这片神奇的黑土地,凝聚着以毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民为代表的三代中央领导和以胡锦涛为总书记的中央领导集体的深切关怀。五十多年来,正是这种深切的关怀,才使北大荒人在屯垦戌边、农业综合开发、深化改革推进农业现代化事业进程中,不断取得新的辉煌 |
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· BeiDaHuang and its magic black soil land, has received deep concerns from the three generations of leaders from the Party Central Committee, with Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and J[ang Zemin as the representatives. Far more than fifty years, it is this deep concern that has encouraged people of BeiDaHuang to progressively achieve one splendor after another-they have stationed troops to open up wasteland; they have carried out comprehensive agriculturar development, and they have performed deep reform to promote the cause of agricultural modernization
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· In response to the great call of the Party and State, such a heroicgroup of demobilized armymen, aid-the-frontier young civilians from inland provinces, city educated youth, university and college graduates, science and technology experts, and officials from various parts of the country, devoted their youth and even their lives, and dedicated their descendants to the arduous and distinguished exploitation and construction of SeiDaHuang. They have created a world-shaking miracle in human history of agricultural development; they have also created the world-famous BeiDaHuang Spirit. People of BeiDaHuang are thus weJl-known in the world for their painstaking efforts, pioneering and enterprising personality, for their taking the interests of the whole into account, and for their selfless devotion
北大荒人在唤醒这块神奇土地的同时,也培育了富有黑土特色的北大荒文学艺术。开发建设半个多世纪以来,垦荒者创作了数以万计的文学、美术、摄影、书法、电影、电视、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、曲艺等艺术作品,涌现出电影《老兵新传》等一大批文学艺术精品。同时,也造就了张抗抗、梁晓声、聂卫平、姜昆等一大批文化名人,为北大荒留下了一笔永恒的财富。 |
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· The people of Bei Da Huang
not only wake up this miraculous land, but also cultivate the
literature and art of Bei Da Huang full of the characteristics of
black-ground. With the development and construction of more than
half a century, the exploiters had created millions of literatures,
such as art, painting, photograph, chirography, cinema, television,
music, dancing, drama and entertainment, and produced a lot of
excellent products of art and literature, such as "New legend of
the old solider". Meanwhile, they had created a number of famous
person, such
北大荒开发建设的历史,是一部不断追求和探索农业现代化道路的历史。改革开放以来,全垦区建立了“大农场套小农场”的双层经营体制,实施科技兴垦的发展战略,引进世界先进技术和装备,推广规模化经营,创造了全国农业最高的劳动生产率、商品率,成为中国农业先进生产力的代表。北大荒做出的绿色农业示范,是我国农业生产的必然之路。 |
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· The history of exploitation and construction of BeiDaHuang is a history during which the route towards agricultural modernization has been sought and pursued. Since the implementation of the Policy of Reform and Opening to the World, the double-structured management system with big farm enclosing small ones, has been established all over the reclamation region A development strategy with "science and technology promoting the reclamation region" has been implemented World-level advanced technology and equipment have been introduced, large-scale farm operation has been spread over, so that the national highest labor productivity and commodity rate have been achieved, making BeiDaHuang the representative of Chinese advanced agricultural productive force. The example of Green Agriculture experienced by BeiDaHuang is the inevitable road for China's agricultural production.
半个多世纪以来,北大荒先后经历了“拓荒岁月”和“现代化装备”两个发展时期。今天的北大荒,正在以市场为导向,以科技为先导,稳定提高农业生产率,走产业化、集团化、国际化之路,推进城镇化,提前实现全面建设小康社会的战略目标。 |
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· Leading Enterprises and Industrialized Development During the past half century, BeiDaHuang has undergone such two developing stages as "opening up the wasteland" and "equipment modernization." Today's BeiDaHuang, with market as its orientation, science and technology as its guide, is now steadily upgrading its agricultural productivity, taking its road characteristic of industrialization, group-operation and globalization, and is enhancing the township establishment, so as to realize, ahead of time, its strategic objective of completely building up a well-to-do society 龙头企业:
㈥、种子销售及销后服务:建立营销网络和物流体系,提高市场覆盖率。为了将大量的种子送到广大农户手中,我们建立了遍布黑龙江及内蒙东四盟的营销网络及物流配送系统。2003年,公司让出350万元的股份,通过入股入网的办法,建立了三级营销网络,一级为专业公司,负责品种开发、生产、加工、拌药、包装、储备、配送工作,种子实行批发价;二级为中等城市分销公司,负责转储、展示、分销,建立和协调三级网,种子实行分销价;三级为县乡种子零售点。目前垦丰玉米公司、自交作物公司已在黑龙江、内蒙、吉林等地建立销售网点近146个,按照制种计划和销售计划,经过物流体系将种子配送到各销售网点。加强种子销售的售前、售中及售后服务质量。a、售前服务包括为帮助顾客确认或要解决的问题;为顾客提供不同的品种选择;为顾客介绍不同特征特性、栽培特点、适应地区等信息。b、售中为顾客提供运输、保管、装卸及办理各种手续的帮助。c、售后服务负责品种种植的技术服务、技术指导工作,并做好用户需求、意见、要求的收集工作,解决用户种植过程中出现的问题, 服务宗旨:质高价低、长期合作、互惠互利、保证质量、售后服务、包装标准化
电话: 0451-55198241 55195266
地址: 黑龙江哈尔滨香坊区红旗大街175号 邮编: 150036
网址: http://www.bdhbwg.com