

省份: 山东省
城市: 烟台市
县区: 蓬莱市
门票价格: 120元/人

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蓬莱海洋极地动物世界位于蓬莱至长岛必经之路―――蓬莱港东南,仿佛一位彬彬有礼的绅士,张开臂膀恭候着八方游客的到来。蓬莱海洋大世界拥有目前国内最大的热带雨林馆、海豹岛、海龟岛、鲨鱼馆、大展面、大圆缸等,集国内 及亚洲水族业之大成,融科研教学、海洋生物展示和表演于一体,充分运用互动性、参与性、艺术性的手法,将人们带入神秘的海洋大世界中,是人们感知海洋、亲近动物的首选之地。

景点类型: 动物园*
出行方式: 自助*,自驾*,火车*
适合人群: 情侣*,朋友*,小孩*
游玩项目: 摄影*,避暑*,观赏*


海洋剧场 海洋剧场
海洋剧场 海洋剧场


Dolphin and Sea Lion Performance Museum
The museum can hold over 1500 people. Funny and wonderful sea lion performance and exciting dolphin performance for the visitor regularly can make the audiences zero-distance touch these lovely halobios, photo with them for souvenir and make the visitors exclaim and linger.


鲨鱼馆 鲨鱼馆 鲨鱼馆


Shark Museum
The nationwide biggest shark museum at present, where there are thousands of fierce lemon shark, nurse shark, as well as Whitetip Reef Shark, Blacktip Reef Shark, Suction Shark, etc., while there will adventurous and exciting performance dance combining human with shark. When the diver feeds the shark, the giant and fierce shark seems to become tractable and lovely panda, let the diver touch and dance with it, the scene is both wonderful and exciting.


海龟馆 海龟馆

Turtle Museum
The nationwide biggest turtle museum at present has big turtles symbolizing for longevity, where shows the growing process of the turtle. You can feed the big turtle by yourself, take photos with it and bring the happiness of good health into your family.


定海神针 定海神针


Big Round Jar
The biggest round jar in Asia currently, with 288 tons of water loading, a jar diameter of 6.8m and a height of 9.8m. Thousands of multicolored rare fishes and different kinds of coral reefs are shown in the jar. When the diver dives into the jar for feeding fishes, colorful fish shoal will chase after the diver for food. That sight seems to bring you an astonishing fable kingdom and make you linger.


水下剧场 水下剧场
水下剧场 水下剧场

Underwater Theater
The visual window of the underwater theater is made of high-tech ACRYLIC glass with a length of 12m, a height of 3.5m and a thickness of 30cm. Owing to good toughness and high transparency, this kind of visual window can bear 2880 tons seawater pressure of submarine tunnel. The visitors can enjoy sea-maiden shuttling in the multicolored ocean kingdom, splendid scene of dancing together with aquatic and giant trippingly ray and merman tale fanciful performance adopted from Denmark fairy tale the Daughter of Sea, which make you acclaim as the peak of perfection and feast your eyes.


海底隧道 海底隧道

Submarine Tunnel
Staying in the splendid submarine tunnel, you will see thousands of halobios, large groups of gentian, round swallow, cobio, giant ray floating and in reach, which make you feel the mystery and grandness of ocean and have a view of beautiful scene of blue submarine world.


极地动物 极地动物
拉丁文:Thalarctos maritimus
别名:白熊 冰熊
特征:善游泳潜水,行动敏捷,耐严寒,异常凶悍。主要食海豹、鱼。北极熊的寿命约25-30年,分布于北极及其附近国家。 在北极,一年四季都有北极熊出没。不过在严冬则很少见到它的踪影,因为它们具有一特殊习性──冬眠,可以在相当一段时间内不摄食。但与一般生物冬眠所不同,它并非抱头大睡,而是似醒非醒,一遇到紧急情况,便可立即惊起,所以它的冬眠被称为局部冬眠或冬睡。北极熊全身披着厚厚的白毛,毛囊中空,起着极好的保温隔热作用,非常适宜在-70℃的北极生活。白熊的体色是一种极好的保护色,无论什么敌害,都难以找到它的踪影。白熊的身体呈流线型,是一个出色的潜水员。主要分布在北极区内、如冰岛俄罗斯北部岛屿上。

Polar bear
Latin name: Thalarctos maritimus
Alias: white bear, ice bear
Features: It is good at swimming and diving, quick action, bearing cold and is extremely man-eating. Mainly eat seal and fish. Its life is about 25-30 years, distributing in the North Pole and other surrounding countries. In the North Pole, polar bear will appear through the whole year. But in the cold winter, it will seldom appear in cold winter, because they have a special habit―hibernation, they will not ingest for a long time. The difference with hibernation of other ordinary beings is that they will not sleep deeply, once emergency happens, they will wake up immediately so their hibernation is called partial hibernation or winter sleep. The whole body of polar bear is covered with thick white hairs with empty hair follicle which may preserve heat and insulate hot, therefore it is suitable to live in the North Pole under -70℃. The body color of the white bear is a protective color, whatever enemies are difficult to find it. Its body appears to be streamline which enables it to be a good diver. They mainly appear within the North Pole, such as Iceland, northern island of Russia.


热带雨林 热带雨林

Euhylacion Museum:
The Euhylacion Museum is currently the biggest one in Asia, by adopting hi-tech methods such as sound, light, electricity, etc., lively and visually reappears the scene of original euhylacion of South America Amazon basin area. Such euhylacion animals as millenary ancient trees, ancient bines, dense jungle, straightly falling waterfall, dangerous crocodile pond, lovely common squirrel monkey and upright and forthright macaws make you personally on the scene.

自助旅游指南:     ★蓬莱出租车6元起步,在汽车站十字路口北路口有蓬莱海洋极地世界的旅游观光车,前去游览的乘客免费乘坐。
传真: 0535-5664799
电话: 0535-5866226
地址: 蓬莱市海港路东
网址: http://www.plseaworld.cn
电子邮箱: baxian@vip.sina.com